Sian Kennedy Nutrition Goal Setting
Goal & Effort Setting formula
Importance of achieve your goal: __/10
Days to achieve goal _____ (a)
Effort you are willing to give:____ % (b)
Days that you know you won’t stick to plan (eg. Weekends/birthdays):____ (c)
Formula =
(c) _____/ (a)_______ X100=___% (d)
(b)_____ – (d) ________ =____% (e)
You want to lose (f)____kg in (a) _____days…. But you’re only putting in (e) ______%
(e)____/ 100 x (f)_____ = _____ kg
This is a more realistic goal for you to achieve 🙂
This gives you a more realistic goal…you can use this to reassess the days you take off, or to give yourself more time & flexibility.
If you know you only want to put in 75% effort then that is ok! It just means it will take you a bit longer to achieve your goals
*Please note this does not mean you will lose 10kg in 28 days if you put in 100% effort –but it does mean, if you do all you can and put in 100%, you will get your results quicker than in you put in 50%!
*BUT –bare in mind 100% is NOT sustainable… Many people try to put in 100% then fall off track… You are better off putting in an effort percentage that is sustainable for you (70-80% is usually enough to get results) and maintain this long term, that put in 100% for 8 weeks then fall off track completely for the following 8 weeks.