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GET INVOLVED Community Blog 


Here at Skip It Community we want to welcome you to get involved with us; . Email us how you can raise funds for our food programme via fun runs and events. . Many charities setup bake sales but keeping in with the healthy theme how about setting up a healthy dish sale at your local community centre or home? . Share a #skipitcommunity selfie on social media. . Share our blogs on social media . Work in an office? How about a dress down Friday and everyone pays £1…

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Naturally Wicked partners to feed children Community Blog 

Naturally Wicked partners to feed children

Naturally Wicked has partnered up with Skip It community and for every New Mamma Kit sold a child will be fed. Have you ever had the difficult task of gifting a pregnant woman? Maybe it’s your turn to spend the maternity gift fund? Perhaps you’re looking for a treat to cheer your pregnant partner up? Or a ‘Welcome to the world’ mamma and baby gift? Generic gifts just won’t cut it. Alcohol is a no go, chocolates are devoured in seconds, perfume may make her feel queasy and anything…

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Aleph Review has partnered up to feed children. Community Blog 

Aleph Review has partnered up to feed children.

The Aleph Review is an anthology currently selling in Pakistan and about to launch in the U.K and on Amazon. The Aleph Review is an anthology of poetry, short fiction, graphic story, essays and art. 10% of the sales from this book will go towards our childrens food programme. Please email us to purchase a copy and keep posted on our site to find out the when it is available on Amazon.

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Let’s get real about food Health & Fitness Blog 

Let’s get real about food

Let’s get real about food Hi there! My names Elyse and I’m a Holistic Nutritionist at The Natural Nutritionist. I have a deep passion for whole foods and the nourishment it provides our bodies. My mission is to help people establish a positive relationship with food and strip away the confusion, giving you the skills to enjoy simple and delicious food and embrace the most amazing version of yourself. I can’t wait to share with you my simple food philosophy and healthy eating tips for you to get started on…

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Darren Smith Marathon Dedication Health & Fitness Blog 

Darren Smith Marathon Dedication

The Portland Coastal Marathon Thankyou to Skip It Community for letting me share a story of mine. In May 2017 I would have been running for 5 years and I came into this very late. I couldn’t run, you see. I had broken my knee at university and fractured the ankle on the same side in multiple places which effectively meant I limped around in the winter and all year around suffered from shin splints when walking faster than my normal pace. I guess with all that it makes running…

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Giulia Lupetti talks skin care Health & Fitness Blog 

Giulia Lupetti talks skin care

ARTICOLO BEAUTY ADDICTED – LUVANTI Hi everybody, first of all I would like to wish all the skipcommunity Happy New Year. So a new year has just started and everybody already set their goals for this 2018. Maybe some of you decided to lose weight, start going to the gym, etc.. Whatever the goal you choose, it’s important not to forget about taking care of our bodies, and most of all taking care of our skin. Yep! Our skin is one of the largest organs in the body in surface…

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